At Eltham Church of England school, we endeavour to give all children opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.
We do this in a variety of different ways to ensure our children’s experiences are directly shaping our school and curriculum.
Pupil Voice
This is a group of elected representatives from each class form Years 2-6. The meet with each other, and others on a regular basis to discuss issues within the school. Their aim is it:
- Provide a platform for Eltham children to have their opinions heard
- To raise issues that matter to Eltham children
- To make improvements to the school that are important to the children
Pupil Voice Representatives have recently conducted a School Self Evaluation which can be found on the link below.
Pupil Voice Self Evaluation 2022-23
From the School Self Evaluation, they have developed an action plan which they will be busy working on throughout the year.
School Ambassadors
Children in Year 6 are invited to apply for these roles. They are selected after taking part in a selection process and interview. The take part in external events, help host visitors and prospective parents, contribute to the school newsletter and act as role models for other children by demonstrating our school values consistently.
Digital Ambassadors
Digital Ambassadors are selected for their advanced computing skills, including safety, and for being role models in our school. They help run assemblies and coding clubs for younger learners.