Working in partnership with other church schools in Greenwich
Eltham Church of England Primary School is in part of an innovative network of schools that work closely together. This is called the ‘Alliance of Greenwich Anglican Schools’.
To build on the relationships and shared Christian values that Greenwich church schools have established so that its structure supports school improvement and pupil outcomes as a result of structured School Improvement through School to School Support (SISS).
Alliance of Greenwich Anglican Schools (AGAS) has a ‘flat’ structure, where each school maintains its unique identity, leadership and governance, having an equal voice in discussions and decisions, made up of the Headteachers from each school. The schools are proudly Christian within the Diocese of Southwark and are committed in using school to school support to develop teachers’ practice, leadership capacity and pupil achievements for their local community.
School to School Support
There is a recognition that place-based school improvement networks develop professional expertise, leadership capacity, effective sharing of resources and improved outcomes for children through;
- Moderation of pupil outcomes and sharing of good practice in each year group and end of key stage published outcomes – Using AGAS, RBG & SDBE expertise
- School to School Subject Reviews and Subject Leader Meetings – Using internal experienced subject leaders & agreed Self-Evaluation Templates
- Whole School Teaching & Learning Review – using Headteachers as well as Improvement Partners as required
- Coordinated access to NPQ programmes (RGTSA)
- Curriculum Projects – As curriculum opportunities present
- AGAS wide CPD – Access to key note speakers and pedagogical
Why do we work together?
We are an Alliance of Church of England Primary schools in Greenwich that want the best possible outcomes for our children and are committed to challenge and learn from each others’ practice to achieve this. We have a shared drive and ambition to continually improve the outcomes and opportunities for the children at our schools, and to learn from our partner Church schools?
What do we do?
We have joint training programmes in our schools for Leadership, Newly Qualified Teachers and Support Staff. This enables staff to learn excellent practice from each others’ schools and expertise.
We have access to National Professional Qualifications, run by the Institute of Education through our partnership with the Royal Greenwich Teaching School Alliance (RGTSA).
Staff get the opportunity to observe other teachers in other settings.
We moderate the pupils’ outcomes in each others books and learning and benchmark standards of achievement and see if we could be aiming even higher. Furthermore, we have recognised end of key stage ‘borough moderators’ across our schools ensuring a validity of judgement through our cross school moderation.
Our subject leader meetings will support and challenge school leaders in developing the pupils’ outcomes and achievements in their schools, as well as identifying professional development opportunities for staff.
We will be carrying out peer reviews on each other’s schools in 2019/20 to help each other identify areas where we can improve.