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Curriculum Vision

We have a high expectation of all learners

Our Eltham Curriculum Vision: To prepare our children for a responsive and contributive role in society

At Eltham Church of England Primary School, we aim to provide an inspiring curriculum, nurturing the development of the whole child and in which every child can achieve. Themes which capture the children’s interest and enthusiasm for learning have been chosen and are taught using a pedagogical approach which reflects the latest evidence-based research into how children learn and remember over time.  Our curriculum is engaging, relevant and promotes a willingness to enquire. We believe it reflects the world we live in and provides the experiences, skills and knowledge our children need to develop independence and contribute successfully in their later life.

The National Curriculum Framework 2014 is central to our curriculum and every pupil is taught in line with those expectations. However, our distinct curriculum also includes learning opportunities that are designed to support our values and reflect our local communities whilst retaining the flexibility to respond to our children’s changing interests and the developing world around them.


The Eltham Curriculum enables all children to:

  • Make significant progress over their seven years at primary school.
  • Develop and retain the knowledge and cultural capital that will enrich their experience and empower them to successfully access the next stage of their education.
  • Value learning for its own sake and develop a range of skills, aptitudes and personal qualities to prepare them for a contributive role in society. These will include non-cognitive skills (such as resilience, collaboration, acceptance of feedback and kindness) and behaviour for learning skills (such as planning, self-regulation and evaluation).


The Eltham Curriculum is developed around our values-based learning community which:

  • Develops spiritual, moral and social growth in the context of Christian faith as taught and lived in the Church of England.
  • Promotes personal development, both as individuals and as part of a community.
  • Supports equality of opportunity.
  • Celebrates the contributions of a diverse range of people, cultures and heritages.

Please see our individual subject pages for more information.