Design & Techology

Hebrews 3:4
Using creativity and imagination to create solutions to real problems.
Organisation of Design & Technology
Across Eltham C of E we teach Design Technology to provide the opportunity for children to explore the designed world around them and to engage children in finding solutions through questions.
Design Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. All children are encouraged to work creatively taking inspiration from designers as well as using their own imaginations. Design Technology provides the opportunity for children to solve real and relevant problems within a variety of different contexts
The national curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
- build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
- critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
- understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
Throughout each unit we follow this implementation sequence. Design, make, evaluate and apply. This helps to sequence our lessons to ensure children are taught the fundamental skills of a designer.
EYFS – Early learning goals for DT are as follows
- Physical Development: Fine Motor Skills
- Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paintbrushes and cutlery.
- Expressive Arts and Design: Creating with Material
- Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used.
We recognise that Design & Technology acquires a broad range of knowledge and involves the wider curriculum, below is our annual overview and coverage of DT.
The school has a thorough risk assessment and policies for using necessary materials and equipment. Pupils are taught how to use the equipment and materials safely and responsibly as part of their lessons.
Click here for the Design & Technology Curriculum overview
Design & Technology Lessons
Design Technology is taught in a block of 3 lessons. During a unit of study, children are supported to decode, define, apply, link and analyse unfamiliar words to help develop their language acquisition. They are encouraged to use this newly acquired language to describe their work and that of others.
Example of Understanding Materials block for Year 2
Example of vocabulary
Knowledge notes are present in children’s books at the beginning of a unit. Essential knowledge and vocabulary is communicated and kept in one place to avoid overloading children. These can be referred to at all times and are a usual tool to aid children in recalling prior learning and teaching.
Lesson exemplification provides an indication of the expected standard for a particular block.
Our curriculum review process also examines how Eltham children are experiencing their Design Technology curriculum. Subject Leader monitoring investigates how clearly concepts are understood, how prior knowledge is being drawn upon, how effectively technical vocabulary is used and remembered, how confidently children reference and discuss designers from varying fields and how well children are producing final outcomes of work which reflect the culmination of a block of work. In addition, we assess how children can evaluate and make modifications from their reflections to better their outcomes.
Children are taught from year 1 how to sew pieces of fabric together using a running stitch and will be able to name the parts of a needle and may be able to thread it, they will then develop their skills in year 4 and 5 to experiment through their learning questions. They have the opportunity to select appropriate fastenings and methods, given the chance through trial and error to achieve the best outcomes and evaluate the advantages or disadvantages of the methods and equipment chosen when finding their solutions.
Understanding Materials
Understanding materials is explored in year 2 by exploring materials and their properties with their focus on waterproofing. Skills of origami (paper folding) is used to create a hat and pupils investigate what surfaces absorb or resist and how paper can be coated to create a waterproof surface. Designers are introduced for children to understand that they are finding solutions to problems like Arthur Wellesley, who designed the wellington boot for his soldiers in 1817!
Within Mechanisms children have the chance to explore sliders, axels and wheels as well as linkages and research designers which are connected to these applications. Children are provided with the space to investigate various products that exists and their real-life applications in the world to aid children with their learning questions. Through exploration children evaluate the success of their outcomes and discuss recommended improvements.
In Key Stage 2 children explore structures identifying features of bridges and how they can be stabilised as well as the strength of a strand of spaghetti. Children will be able to think about structural changes and adaptations engineers and architects make to help to increase stability through trial and error as well as research opportunities looking into Blackpool Tower and local bridges such as Tower Bridge. At each stage of experimentation, children are encouraged to evaluate using terminology introduced and have to navigate working in groups to construct and find solutions. In Key stage 2 children are increasingly able to make adaptations to constructions to make improvements.
In year 5, children draw on their knowledge of fixing and fastenings from year 4 to design and create a road safety belt using technology to program and control a product (micro:bit.) Children make connections to technology and the design process and how they can be linked to provide a high-quality product. Children are able to form opinions of the value and quality using careful thought.
Food and Nutrition
Currently Key Stage 2 explore nutritional values of food and its affects on our physical and mental health. Children practise methods for preparing a range of different dishes. They learn how to change the texture and flavour of food by adding herbs and spices. Children are taught culinary skills and techniques which include: peeling and grating, cutting, measuring, mixing and cooking. Children are taught about different food groups and why it is important to have a balanced and nutritious diet.
Year 4 had great fun making fish cakes. Yummy!
Here are some photos of year 5 using numerous skills taught such as: cutting, grating, mixing, cooking and most importantly cleaning in order to create a delicious vegetable pasta dish. There was nothing left after tasting their efforts!