Our Governors
Meet our Governors
Our Governors and Governing Body
We have the structure in place to meet the demands set out in the Governance Handbook issued by the Department of Education, namely – high quality, effective and ethical governorship. Although the governing body has changed its members over the last few years, we have strived to make sure the new members uphold the principals set out by Lord Nolan on how to conduct oneself in public life.
We also, to the best of our abilities, aim to ensure that all Governors bring skill sets to help the Governing Body fulfil its obligations to the best of its abilities in supporting the school.
We are not fearful of holding third parties to account should we feel they are failing the school and, consequently, the children who attend Eltham Church of England School. Despite the impact of COVID and the dramatic increase in pupils attending the school with special educational needs, we are supportive of the senior leadership team’s attitude to making sure all pupils are given the opportunity to achieve their maximum in education. This not only involves reviewing how children with SEND issues are taught in school, but to also look at alternative revenue streams to increase funds to help with these aims.
Results are still excellent when compared to other schools in the Borough and Nationally – this is reflected in the continued over subscription for places at our school compared to other schools in the Borough.
However, not only do we aim for the highest possible academic standards, but also to make the children confident and well set for their wellbeing later in life – Ofsted said the following in our last report,
“Pupils, staff, and parents all comment positively about the high standards of behaviour. Low-level disruption does not disrupt teaching. Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning.”
It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to ensure that the Strategic Leadership, Accountability, People, Structures, Compliance and Evaluation of the school is outstanding and as such consult with the widest possible range of stakeholders these include not only those actively involved with the school but outside agencies, advisers, local communities, the Church and other schools locally and elsewhere in the UK to make this happen at Eltham Church of England Primary School.
We are ever vigilant in the changing world of education and are confident we have the skill sets and determination to ensure the school and therefore our children have the best education possible whilst attending Eltham Church of England School, this is reflected in the following comment from our latest Ofsted report,
“The governing body are deeply committed to the school. They know the school well, attending events and visiting the school to talk to staff and pupils”
Rupert Osborn
Chair of Governors