
Luke 14:28-30
Mastering Maths through creativity and imagination.
Organisation of Maths
At Eltham Church of England, maths is taught at least four times a week from Reception to Y6 for approximately 45-60 minutes and supported and enhanced in other areas of the curriculum. As a school we use White Rose Maths (www.whiteroseeducation.com) the foundation for our maths lessons by following the ‘small steps scheme’ which ‘develops a culture of deep learning, confidence and competence in maths’.
In each lesson children are encouraged to solve problems using concrete resources, pictorial representations, and abstract thinking. Staff utilise a variety of manipulatives (actual objects that children can see, move, reorder, etc.) throughout the school that support children with their understanding of key concepts through the maths curriculum. Using a variety of manipulatives provides children with opportunities to collaborate, reason, and explore, and offers a clear structure for children and teachers.
Maths Lessons
In our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), teachers and staff help children learn and grow their maths skills in a fun and supportive way following the EYFS framework and ‘White Rose’ scheme. Each day, children take part in a short maths session with their teacher on the carpet. These sessions are full of interactive activities, using resources such as stories, songs, and objects to help support children develop and secure their understanding of numbers. Our EYFS environment is organised and created to provide a range of open-ended maths activities both indoors and outdoors. Our continuous provisions are designed to provide new experiences, draw on children’s unique interests as well as build upon maths concepts introduced in taught maths sessions. Our children are supported and guided by the staff in their classroom on how to interact with their environment before they are encouraged to play and explore more independently and with other children. This support and guidance take place at children’s pace to develop their understanding and confidence in maths.
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Reception
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, the main goal of maths teaching is to help children become confident and quick with numbers. They learn to count, understand place value, and work with numbers using different practical resources such as dienes, counting cubes, number squares etc. Children also learn to recognize, describe, draw, compare, and sort different shapes using the right words. They will learn to measure and compare things like length, weight, volume, time, and money. By the end of Year 2, children should know the number bonds to 20 and understand place value well.
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 1
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 2
Lower Key Stage 2
In lower Key Stage 2, the main goal of maths teaching is to help children become more fluent with whole numbers and the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Children learn number facts and continue to develop their understanding of place value, which will help them solve problems quickly and accurately with larger numbers. Children also learn to solve different types of problems, including those involving simple fractions and decimals. They will improve their drawing skills and learn to think mathematically to understand shapes and how they relate to each other. They will also learn to use measuring tools accurately and see how measurement connects to numbers
The Multiplication Times Table Check takes place at the end of Year 4. It is a short test to see if children know their multiplication tables up to 12. Knowing these tables well is important because it makes more complex maths easier later on. The check ensures any gaps in learning can be addressed early.
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 3
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 4
Upper Key Stage 2
In upper Key Stage 2, the main goal of maths teaching is to help children understand larger numbers and place value better. They learn how multiplication and division connect with fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios. Children will solve more difficult problems involving numbers and arithmetic, using both written and mental methods.
They will learn about how to solve different types of problems using algebra. In geometry, they will build on what they’ve learned before, understanding more about shapes and how to describe them using the right words. By the end of Year 6, children will be secure in their understanding about how to use written methods for all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), including long multiplication and division. They are encouraged to be confident working with fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 5
Click here for Maths Curriculum Overview – Year 6
Times Tables Rock Stars
We also use the online tool Times Tables Rock Stars to support children and their families with learning time tables.
Times Tables Rock Stars offers a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. The online format is particularly effective because its algorithm responds to errors and adjusts the challenge level accordingly. This personalised approach to learning times tables is highly motivating for children. Every child from Year 2 to 6 has a login and typically engages in a bit of daily practice at their personalised level. Children can also log in at home.