Statutory Information
Information and FAQ's
Everything you need to know.
Ofsted Reports
Eltham Church of England Primary School has been judged as GOOD (Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes) since 2022. The school undertakes a rigorous process of self evaluation and external review to ensure that our teaching, learning, leadership, behaviour and curriculum all maintain the highest expectations.
Our Ofsted report of 2022 can be found HERE
School Procedures
We hope you find the information below useful. If you cannot find the answer that you need please contact the school office.
What do I do if my child is ill?
If your child is too unwell to attend school please telephone the school as soon as possible. If your child has school dinners it would be appreciated if you could notify us before 10am as this allows us to plan our school dinner numbers. You can also report an absence by emailing absence@elthamce.greenwich.sch.uk.
What do I do if my child has been vomiting?
If your child has suffered from sickness or diarrhoea then they should remain off school for 48 hours from the last time they were sick. Please help the school contain the spread of sickness by following this timescale.
What do I do if my child has a medical appointment?
We always try and encourage medical appointments to be arranged outside of school hours but we understand that this is not always possible. Please telephone or come to the school office to let us know and if you have an appointment card or letter please bring this in and we can take a copy.
If the appointment is in the morning and your child has school dinners it is important to let us know so if they will be back for lunch so we can make the appropriate arrangements.
What do I do if the school is closed?
Making a decision to close the school is always carefully considered and if this was to be the case we would contact you via Parent Mail using our text message service and we put a notice on our website too.
How do we communicate with the school?
You can communicate with the school via your child’s class teacher or you can contact the school office.
Does the school run a breakfast club?
The school office has details of an independent breakfast club that also brings children to school in the morning and also an independent after school club that will collect children at the end of the school day.
What do I do if I am concerned about my child?
We have an open door policy at Eltham Church of England Primary School, so if you have any concerns about your child, please let us know as soon as possible so we can resolve the situation sooner rather than later. Your first point of contact is the class teacher, you can request to make an appointment with the teacher after school when it is quieter. If you have done this and still have concerns then you can speak to the Deputy Headteacher, please contact the school office to make an arrangement.
What is the procedure for school lunch times?
The school provides a variety of hot school dinners each day. Menus are nutritionally balanced to meet the needs of the children.
Children can bring their own packed lunch to school in a labelled lunch bag or box. We encourage packed lunches to have a healthy balance of food and should not contain sweets or chocolates.
Some children are eligible for free school meals and information about this can be obtained from the school office and is completely confidential.
How do I pay for my child’s school dinners?
These can be paid for either weekly, half termly or termly. You can pay for your child’s school dinners using Pay360.
What happens at playtimes?
All children are expected to go out at playtimes unless the weather doesn’t permit this or if there are exceptional circumstances. Children in the Reception Classes and Infant Classes are given fruit each playtime and junior children can bring their own fruit to have.
What are your medical arrangements and first aid procedures?
All children receive a medical examination during their first year in school. At this time, the School Medical Officer meets with the parent for the examination. The school then receives a record of those medical factors which are considered educationally relevant.
If a child has an infectious condition the school office will advise parents how to proceed in line with the local health authority guidelines.
The school only administers medicines under very special circumstances. If a child needs daily medication for an on-going condition or needs daily medication for a short period of time that cannot be administered outside school, then parents need to contact us and fill out the relevant paperwork and, in some cases, attend a meeting with the school and the school nurse.
Minor first aid is carried out by our trained paediatric first aiders but they will contact parents if they have any concerns that an injury or complaint is more serious. It is essential that the school has up to date contact details as staff are not able to give permission for any other treatment.
Financial accountability
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
Primary sport premium 2022/2023
Our financial benchmarking data on gov.uk