Safeguarding at Eltham CofE
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and this requires all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
This page briefly outlines the expectations of adults in our school We promote safe practices for the whole school community through our comprehensive Safeguarding Policy, a copy of which can be obtained from our website or the school office, similarly the full policy for safeguarding expectations and visitors to our school can be downloaded here
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Matthew Wills (Headteacher)
The Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:
Lisa Leonard (Assistant Headteacher), Ella Gardiner-Tribe (Assistant Headteacher)
Safeguarding procedures at our school.
Once you have signed in, please wear your visitor badge at all times.
Always sign out when leaving.
Whilst in our school please be respectful of the school’s ethos and code of conduct.
To ensure that safe practices are maintained please follow this simple advice;
- Be Alert to Clues: what you see, hear, feel or sense – nothing is too trivial to check out.
- Question: question behaviours that make you feel uneasy
- Ask for Advice: if you are unsure about anything speak to a colleague or member of the Designated Safeguarding Team
- Refer: Document all concerns and / or disclosures on a child protection form and give to the Designated / Deputy Safeguarding Lead. The child protection forms can be found in the staff room or the school office.
- DO NOT decide to do nothing or leave our school without telling anyone, should you have any issues, concerns or information.
Keeping Yourself Safe
- Be professional. Be careful how you interact with or speak to a child, the child may interpret it differently
- Avoid physical contact with children unless you are preventing them from immediately harming themselves or others
- Avoid being on your own with a child, always ensure that a door is open and that you are visible to others
DBS Certificates
All staff, including supply staff, regular visitors and volunteers are subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificates. This is to help ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children. Advice about DBS certificates is available from the school office.
Our Deeply Christian Character
At Eltham Church of England Primary School we have a shared values system, guiding our choices and decisions in all that we do, so that we “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with our God” (Micah 6v8):
- Love
- Resilience
- Forgiveness
- Understanding
- Enthusiasm
- Respect
All members of staff, volunteers and visitors to the school will serve as role models to our children, living the shared values routinely. This is a key responsibility, as it is the most powerful teaching tool of all. Please adhere to the school’s code of conduct and follow the behaviour policy, a copy of each can be obtained from the school office. Our policy helps us to create a caring and secure environment in which children can learn and play safely.
Behaviour issues will be dealt with in a fair and equal way, without prejudice to: age, gender, race, religion, ability, disability or culture.
Please remember that whatever you see or hear in school is confidential and should not be discussed with others.
Everyone has a responsibility to make sure that all children at Eltham Church of England Primary School are safe.
Allegations Against Staff
Any allegations should be reported to the DSL/Headteacher. Allegations concerning the headteacher should be reported to the chair of governors